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hexatail you create the characters using (blender or honey select) please tell me which one you use, and what do you use to create the scenes and animations? :(

I use honey select and etc.




买10$的礼包 或等到圣诞节

Patreon 5$ or more.
or Free from December. I recommend waiting a week.


What day in January will there be an update? and what will be updated apart from Dana, Chloe, mother, sapphire, what else will there be?

Only Dana, Chloe, mother and sapphire.
I keep working.


I want agent17 in January she is very cute 

She is not there in the January update.


hexa I also want to ask for more participation from agent17 😔 Could you bring her to January with the others? 


Only Dana, Chloe, mother and sapphire.
Sorry. You have to wait.



感謝您一直喜歡這個遊戲。 感謝像你們這樣的人,我可以更專注於我的工作。


I also wanted more participation from agent17, it would be good to involve her more and propose more content related to her, I can sponsor her monthly with a fixed amount, if I plan to do more content related to her, but unfortunately in January it will only be an update from Dana , Chloe, mom, sapphire? Or would there be more things, I'm looking forward to it, thank you hexatail 

Only Dana, Chloe, mother and sapphire.
You have to wait.


I wanted more participation from agent17, like missions for her etc :( that would be really cool, I really like her ^^ could you do it in a future update? please :(

Thanks for liking her.
But you have to wait longer.
I decide the next update with Patreon votes.


Good afternoon, do you have any content predictions with "agent17"?

Not yet.
Thank you for loving her.


What is the difference between Christmas Fairytale and Gold edition?


Can be reused.


I'm almost sure I've done all the quests so far, but unfortunately the red light still remains on Elsa, I've already finished the Stone Figurine quest (I chose the blue path), is there anything else after that with Elsa that I haven't I noticed? I'm pretty sure I've done all the quests so far, but unfortunately the red light still remains on Elsa, I've already finished the Stone Figurine quest (I chose the blue path), is there anything else after this with Elsa that I didn't notice? (the same goes for the buttler, but with her I chose the red path)


Please tell me your version.




I'll Check.
This bug will be fixed in v0.23.0.


Oh thanks very much so, One more thing, would you currently only have Agent 17 as a game, or would you have other productions? I loved your work




Thank you.
I will find a way for the Chinese people.









Is there the latest update now? When I was playing Dana's mother I was still a little gloomy, has the v 22.7 update been updated yet?


January. (Dana, Chloe, Mom, Saphire)


Whats day in january ?


When will it be updated next time


January. (Dana, Chloe, Mom, Saphire)


Hi, I get the red error message "Image 'amelia_oral_avi' not found." when doing the 1-black-heart-2-red-heart "Blowjob" selection with Amelia in the cafe. It appears for the first selection "Blowjob" after Evan says "Now move back and forth."

I'll find this problem. Thanks for reporting.








Khi nào có hình ảnh trước của v0.23 vậy ?

January. (Dana, Chloe, Mom, Saphire)


can this be updated in android without having to delete and restart the game?

Yes. Download the new file and install it.
Then the old version will be updated.

Thank you so much!


What will probably be updated in the next update? Can you disclose it?

Dana, Chloe, Mom, Saphire

thank uuu🙏🙏🙏I’ve been needing more Dana,and Mom content would be nice


Kapan update?






what the next update adds

Dana, Chloe, Mom, Saphire


Great game can you tell me what date the next update is coming out? 


when in January


good evening :) , how much sponsorship in dollars should I send to have an advance of the update for December and content related to "agent17" (if possible of course) 

If you sponsorship, you can vote for the next content.
I create the next content on the voting results.

(1 edit) (+1)


(1 edit) (+1)(-3)

Try MediaFire Download Link
Agent17 v0.22.6 - PC - MediaFire
Agent17 v0.22.6 - Android - MediaFire

Enter the Key in the game.



Enter number on agent phone.

圣诞活动 + 特别奖励礼遇 + 开发者之爱 这个链接无法下载

(3 edits)

I'll Change Link.

Try again

(Google links are not accessible in China. I changed the link for you.)



You can play for free in December.
Or Sponsor me $10 and you can play now.


Will there be a scene with agent17 in the next update? (she is better in my opinion) :)


No. Next update is "home."



Same file.


more scene for dana, btw this is the best game ever ;D

Please wait for the next update.
Dana scenes will be added.



This is bug. I'll fix this in the next update

Okay, thank you


Looks good (0.22v),  Dana fanboys are disgusting


thanks for playing


Thanks for answering, just one more question about character modeling and graphic animation, which program would you recommend? I made my game's canary and some animations but there's still something missing in my characters :( 

It doesn't matter what tool you use as long as you can create great scenes


Hello! I cannot support you on patreon because of the sanctions. I wanted to ask if you are going to add another service like patreon but for the sanctioned people? :)


and can you update the discord invitation link?


(1 edit)

Unfortunately still cannot join :(

The only way to support is Patreon.
Thanks for liking this game.


The game is very good, I wonder how long it will take for there to be more storylines for the characters

The next update is in January.


am the mc getting ntr'ed or am is the mc doing it?

You can do both.
It can be avoided.


I can't find Chinese (Traditional)


will you add a galley in the game?

I will make that later, but not now.





Nice, can't wait to see the next update

Maybe january

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