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Waiting for new update


Thanks for waiting.

Deleted 1 year ago





Is the Christmas event supose to have animation? Because it stays as a image for me and is very buggy

It's animation.
Clean up your phone's memory.


Does the summer event exist in the latest update version?

Summer events do not exist.
I want to make it, but I don't have enough time.


When new update?


















(1 edit) (+1)


I'm doing my best to make it



It's the same event.
You can get a better shovel. It makes it easier for you to clear events.



Thank you!

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In christmas event, how to get Luna and agent17 eat semen at cabin?


Agent 17 takes her turn after defeat the dragon, it's a scene that you can see only in that point and Luna only takes a spit in her mouth. 

No Luna event.
I might update it next year.







I like her too. Please wait for sakura updates.

How many hearts can you get for Dana? It's says four for the FJ and 5 for sleep head but I can't get anymore quests

Right now 3, same for candies and the other value. The values of 5 are from a future update.

Please wait for the update.





You can play now









这是正确的。 妈妈内容将于一月份更新。


does tommorow is the day where the christmas event free?

Yes you can play for free





Please wait for the update.





Just bug fixes.






HEXATAIL the update is amazing thank you. And before tell you about my wishes of a "rude"treatment for Dana and her school friend I wonder why we can't "save" images from game to the phone section? 

Images like:


I'm planning to renew photo system. 
I promise it will be made someday.

You're awesome. Thank you.





Are Christmas events free? If it comes out, is it immediately available in the official version or do I have to enter the code?


I will make an announcement.




I will make an announcement.


When will Ophelia content be added? This girl is so seductive, I can't help but imagine her moaning.


I decide the next content by voting. Voting is only available to Patreon supporters.



Only Dana, Chloe, mother and sapphire.

dont add mother pls add another girl not her


Why? She is hot and frustrated so she's going to be a wild animal in bed, also you can chose to walk her path.


because simply it is his mom 

do you want between a man and his mother wtf

It's his stepmom.


I think I'm stuck in the prison part. After second day when the telephone dude raises the price and after eating I can't fastfoward in time nor sleep. So I'm rather stuck I believe. Any help ?

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

I think this problem is caused by the unofficial patch.
I do not support unofficial patches.
Try uninstalling the unofficial patch and running clean official version again.

(1 edit) (+1)

That's weird 'cause I've downloaded the game from here.


Well I've downloaded the game from here again but it didn't solve the problem.


I didn't know about the existence of unofficial patches, probably those are filled with malware ready to kill devices.


I'm not sure about your problem. In prison just focus into work and be a "good guy" eventually a riot starts and with the help of the female police you can contact Agent 17 and leave.


That's the thing, I can't do anything there's no button to press to progress  the game. I can't sleep, work or talk to Owen 'cause he's gone. Imma wait till the next update hoping it get's fixed. 

And it's not a "unofficial" patch or whatever 'cause I've dowloaded the game from here. It's the only place I've seen the game. Nor did I used a cheat engine or software (some people on the discord server used cheats and got the stuck in the prison).

I receive a lot of unnecessary reports every day due to unofficial patches. It's pretty stressful.
Since the unofficial patch has problems in jail, I thought you were having the same problem.

I'm sorry for doubting you.
I'm glad your problem was solved.

It's ok. It happens. Your game is pretty cool. Hoping to see more in the future. 

Just accidentely "solved" my problem. I didn't see the exit button in the prison hallway needed to go to the warden's office.

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I think you  must invitated patner for you next update content, because you game very famous in world.Every country playing you game.and never forget for make Us dont sad. ❤


thank you.
I will do my best not to disappoint you.


Bem lembrado, tinha esquecido mas a "agente17" foi a mais votada, então provavelmente vai ter algumas coisas dela, né? Eu também poderia adicionar mais conteúdo, ou mandá-la morar junto (por alguns dias), talvez usar o celular para outras funções como, pedir fotos, etc... como o celular pertence a um espião anterior, ele poderia tentar desbloqueá-lo, e ter funções de hacking e outras coisas... também poderia pegar os números de outras garotas e enviar mensagens anônimas... poderia fazer um ótimo trabalho com conteúdo, sou um dos patrocinadores do versão beta, usei o nome "nncg" 

Obrigado por amar o agente17 por tanto tempo.
Por favor, espere um pouco mais.


good afternoon . Do you have plans to create traditions for the Brazilian Portuguese language? It's quite difficult to read in English :(

I'll review it.


hexatail, I noticed that the last personagan had the most votes was "sister" and "agent17" being the "agent17" with the most votes, shouldn't the update for more content be for her? (I could have missions for her to do related to the protagonist, like blindfolding etc.)

Please wait for the update. One day her turn will come.



对不起 我正尽最大能力。


Is the Christmas event free after December

It will become a paid event again in January.



请稍候。 她很快就会更新。





(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

2월에는 병원 관련 및 엘리스 관련으로 업데이트 요청 합니다

병원은 2인이나 있는데 내용은 빈약하고

가장 기억나는 큰 이벤트가 체취 중 오랄섹스.

엘리스는 지금까지 완전 방치 중이고

방치된 소녀들에게 좀 신경써주세요

동시에 모든 콘텐츠를 만들 수는 없기 때문에
패트리온 후원자 투표로 순서를 정하고 있습니다.
다음 업데이트는 '다나, 엘리스, 엄마, 사파이어'가 예정되어 있습니다.


Is there any gallery to view old scenes? So far I haven't saw any gallery to check back on

It will be made after the game is completed.


greetings! I got a problem a few mods I was trying to use cheat but not worth it cause your good system! It’s ok with that! I have downloaded the new version after (I haven’t play for months cause no time) I was try to create new game but it not let me cause I got all time a “cheat not allowed” I don’t even use cheats right now! What I need to do to fix that ? 

I do not support unofficial patches.
Try uninstalling the unofficial patch and running again.


Is Christmas event only for Patreon Teacher?

Patreon 5$ or more.
or Free from December. I recommend waiting a week.

Okay, understand.
1 more question, after the Christmas pack, do i have to download special pack game, or its gonna be a uptade to it?
Thanks for the great game, i hope you will make another game that looks similiar to this, and also that there will be added more options to his sister.

Christmas resources are included in the official version.



Thank you for loving this game.

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