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It's a really fun game, but the update is a bit slow.

Deleted 1 day ago







You spent over half a year creating a castrated 0.24 version. And then you spent more than half a year making a castrated 0.25 version? Did you really deceive your sponsors like fools? Your long update time resulted in a game duration of no more than 6 hours. Even if you are a complete fraud, do you think that just by updating perfunctorily like this, you can deceive your sponsors again


apenas agregó contenido la 0.25?


Do you think it's that easy to make a perfect game? Have you ever made a game? If not, don't pressure the creator who is sincere about what he's presenting to ME.


doesnt matter if we've made a game or not, theres no way to defend how long it takes for this guy to release even the smallest of updates.


If you can't do it, don't cheat money with a gimmick. You still protect this author without credit

I think it's strange, everything I'm saying is true, not a single lie. As his former sponsor, his production attitude is infuriating. Can't I even tell the truth now? Can't I express my opinions because I can't make games? Do I have to be able to cool myself in order to evaluate the quality of a refrigerator?


So what you mean is that you were supposed to update the 0.25 version one month after the 0.24 version, but after a delay of more than half a year, you made a very short game update to deceive your sponsors?







parece que por fin habrá algo de contenido en pantreon dice que la versión 0.25 esta lista y falta traducirla haber cuanto tarda en subirla











Why hasn't the author updated yet

Hello my friend, do you have a redemption code for this game? If possible, could you please send it to me. If it's not convenient to send, it's okay, thank you


is this game already abandond


No, but the dev is milking it for as long as he/she can. Once more people unsub, they'll release an update. It's a game made by a scammer, nothing else.




It keep exiting me in the game














Where do I find the homework after sending agent17 on the mission to get it?


Also does anyone know how to progress dana's quest after getting 4 restrain and 3 mood? after the slapping and stuff

Do you know how to progress Chloe's scene I cant get the last step even though I tried everything is this a bug?  Also isnt sniffing the panites an option and it doesn't show.

Easy, climax chloe libido for the first time (if you still stuck feom havaing sex with her) wait until next turn her libido is above usual, only then u can proceed with the s.

The problem is chloe only shows up every two days meaning all her libido resets. 

Not reset fully



Does anyone know where to get gold... or if it's in the game yet


The nightclub has a turntable from which you can get gold


Alguien sabe si se puede hacer las escenas de navidad no me sale nada en los libros del árbol





Any news? dev we need to find the parrot, lets move ❤️






hola buenos dias alguien sabe comoaprender el el ultimo nivel de masajes es que en  la compu hago cita en un lugar de masajes pero no me aparece en el mapa y no se como avanzar y lo que quiero alfinal es avanzar con la hermana del prota para cogermela al final si saben algo seria de alluda gracias...


es dificil pero tienes que ir a la computadora comprar el curso y luego ir media noche o tarde (no recuerdo bien ) a la ciudad y te aparece abajo de donde trabaja la gotica un weá de masajes donde hay un chino que te desbloquea el ultimo nivel.

Abandoned or not, I enjoyed the game a lot 🙏🏻. Thanks for the fun free game , I'm still gna ply it every once in a while. o7


You are a man without credit!!!

Alguien sabe cómo desbloquear el curso de masaje 3 y hacer cigarrillos de los buenos ?

How do you mix semen with the coffee for Aria storyline

(1 edit) (+18)(-1)

March is here, let's update his scam. On 1/28, they deleted Alice's content and said, "It will take some more time to complete the task and complete the translation," using the ongoing translation as an excuse to make people think an update was coming, making it easier to scam for sponsorship. 

After scamming the sponsorship, on 2/02, they used redesigning as an excuse to delay the update once again. And they initially said they would start reporting on the development, but in reality, nothing happened.

Deceiving sponsors from start to finish. Seriously, stop giving money to this scammer. Even if they update, don't sponsor them. Think about how many months they've already scammed sponsorship.







has this been abandoned?



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