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So, how does one Masterbate? I go to the bathroom, I don't see anything I can interact with, any menu buttons. I'm on mobile, but it's clear I can't move Forward if I didn't masturbate 

Late night in bathroom

(1 edit)

Hi guys. Tell me, when will the update be released, will I need to download the game again?

Maybe October

I want a clear photo of HEXATAIL as a wallpaper,would you prepare for this?




Can i f*ck dana in the morning?? I tried to but she refused

and how to get the 3 star in dana leg massage


The 3rd star is got by using the computer and searching for a "Masseuse" buuut that entire arc (including the massages) are: "In Development, check back later". 

I think the Dana arc is locked also. 

Will there be impreg?


There needs to be an update now, please.

Deleted 178 days ago







(1 edit) (-1)

i have some questions about this game:

when the game update?

could u give me a deadline date?

author,i hope u can give me a reply.

Maybe October

when is the update??

should be Aug or Sep. Hexatail plan to add Ophelia on the next release.

join discord to follow update.


The discord link is expired




discord invite expired


Still not working

can anyone explain how i can download just the updat

just overwrite 


yeah i dont really know how tbh new to p

there is another way also.

1. go to your game file Agent17xx smth like this

double click 'game' file, you should see a file call 'saves', all your saves is under this file.

2. Copy it.

3. Paste those saves files to the latest version and place it in the same position(under saves)

4. Open latest version of agent17 and enjoy


Hey! Can you fix Discord link? It's not working.

Thank you!

(1 edit) (-1)

How to do lockpicking level  4 mission




栅栏怎么修? 修到一半怎么修都不加了




hello everyone, and who knows when the update is and where the author has disappeared


Где то может через месяц или 2

этот месяц или 2 уже длится месяц или 2

Вроде на платном вышло давно

(2 edits)

"avoidable ntr" suuuuure... if you want to get a death end. 

is incredible that most of the content is locked for the ntr paths. That without mension the girls with bad endings be default (sakura)

(1 edit)







im sorry but what is that intro😭😭😭 someone prolly died in that accident and bro said finders keepers. im loving this already

Love it when devs aren't afraid to get dark. By your comment, it sounds like he did a good job too so I'm looking forward to it

its been like 3 months already. so youve prolly played till the point where he chained that girl to the pipe for revenge. that part got dark very fast. 

I want to know how to get Valentine's Day activities. And can the previous magnetic attraction drone be added? I found that many props were gone.



I can't find the download address of the previous version.

(1 edit) (-1)



When will Sakura have an update?



Lütfen güncelleme gelsin

I know it could be complicated but would it be possible to put a mechanical translation so even just approximate in Italian?


Wann kommt das nächste Update?


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