its been like 3 months already. so youve prolly played till the point where he chained that girl to the pipe for revenge. that part got dark very fast.
Spent an hour doing that absurdly long puzzle for negotiation skill, saved my progress and everything, had to get up for 5 min and the app closed. Came back and even though i saved my progress i had done on the puzzle it reset the puzzle and made me start over. I love wasting time on bs like that its just great.
Con Chloe, cuando esté en tu habitación, bésala, escupe varias veces en su boca, luego quítale la ropa, lame sus pechos hasta que la excitación suba un poco, luego llévala a la cama, deja que te chupe el pene, mira su vagina de cerca, luego frota tu pene varias veces y luego ella frota su vagina sobre ti
There are multiple ways to get cash daily. Cleaning dishes and bathroom is one (can get more money per day by buying upgrades at market). You can also organize dolls at gift store. If you have Sapphire and she's working she will give $30 a day in rent just visit her room.
You just need to find 'save' in angent17 in the Android data and copy and save it to the folder you want until the new version is updated and overwritten
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"avoidable ntr" suuuuure... if you want to get a death end.
is incredible that most of the content is locked for the ntr paths. That without mension the girls with bad endings be default (sakura)
im sorry but what is that intro😭😭😭 someone prolly died in that accident and bro said finders keepers. im loving this already
Love it when devs aren't afraid to get dark. By your comment, it sounds like he did a good job too so I'm looking forward to it
its been like 3 months already. so youve prolly played till the point where he chained that girl to the pipe for revenge. that part got dark very fast.
I want to know how to get Valentine's Day activities. And can the previous magnetic attraction drone be added? I found that many props were gone.
I can't find the download address of the previous version.
When will Sakura have an update?
Lütfen güncelleme gelsin
I know it could be complicated but would it be possible to put a mechanical translation so even just approximate in Italian?
Wann kommt das nächste Update?
还要一两个月,本来0.24已经能端上来 了 但是一撮白的进度又慢了,本来打算在0.25再更,给她投票的赞助者都不爽 了,因为确实鸽了好几个版本,等吧,好作品需要耐心,过两天翻译官enzo的闪耀星路要更了,先玩那个也好
наверное месяц или 2 месяц
is there anyway to replay the sex scenes?
you just need to interact with them again, but it would be better to save them since some arent replayable
Если задонить дают ли обновленную версию 0.24
Spent an hour doing that absurdly long puzzle for negotiation skill, saved my progress and everything, had to get up for 5 min and the app closed. Came back and even though i saved my progress i had done on the puzzle it reset the puzzle and made me start over. I love wasting time on bs like that its just great.
Так как разработчик не отвечает на наши комментарии
Походу игру наверное не обновят
Can someone provide me with a save file , I lost mine!
will this fantasy have Voice dubbing for sex scenes in the future?
how to complete "save 1000$ and have sex with Luna"?
and with Chloe too
Show post...
Con Chloe, cuando esté en tu habitación, bésala, escupe varias veces en su boca, luego quítale la ropa, lame sus pechos hasta que la excitación suba un poco, luego llévala a la cama, deja que te chupe el pene, mira su vagina de cerca, luego frota tu pene varias veces y luego ella frota su vagina sobre ti
There are multiple ways to get cash daily. Cleaning dishes and bathroom is one (can get more money per day by buying upgrades at market). You can also organize dolls at gift store. If you have Sapphire and she's working she will give $30 a day in rent just visit her room.
Il n'y a pas de script en Français. Testé sur PC et Android, en choisissant la langue Française il y a que des carrées à la place des textes.
I want an update for Sakura.
You can't just leave us on a cliffhanger. Wtf
there is an update in next version
Is there no development for Ophelia? She's just like a gadget shop. I want to fuck her already.
where can I download a Chinese version?
Just sleep
Is the game dead?
Bin so gespannt wie es weiter geht, liebe dieses spiel einfach❤️
Is there any way to upload the archive, or just wait until the game update in October. I am using Android
You just need to find 'save' in angent17 in the Android data and copy and save it to the folder you want until the new version is updated and overwritten
Thank you so much. I'll try it later.